moom 3.1
Moom allows you to move and zoom windows -- using either the mouse or the keyboard -- to predefined locations and sizes, or to full screen mode.
When used via the mouse, all you need to do is hover over a green resize button, and Moom's interface appears. When used via the keyboard, press your defined shortcut, and the Moom keyboard bezel appears; you can then move windows using the arrow keys and modifier keys.
Moom can be run as a traditional application, a menu bar application, or a completely faceless background application.
Version 2.3.1:
New Features:
Saved window layouts can be automatically activated when resolution changes, not just when monitor counts change.
Added 'center' AppleScript support (see Help for details). (Hat tip to Roelof vR. for the suggestion.)
Bug Fixes and Improvements:
Keyboard controls and custom controls now work as expected with Safari Reader windows.
Intel, Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later
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