@baonguyen997 [IMG]styles/default/xenforo/clear.png[/IMG]
Sound Forge 2.0.1 - Release 27 February 2014
- Added support for reading and writing OGG files.
- Added automatic snapping to zero crossings (Options > Snapping > Zero Crossings).
- Fixed a bug that could cause the incorrect fade type to be selected when changing the fade type of overlapping events.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent very large project files (> 4 G8) from opening.
- Fixed a bug that caused Sound Forge Pro Mac to start only for the user account that was used to install the application.
Installer: http://dspcdn.sonycreativesoftware.com/secure/soundforgepromac2.0.1.190.dmg
Thuốc bổ ;) only: http://www.fshare.vn/file/56L5SUITET/
Pass: filmmaking.com.vn
How to install?
- Install Sound Forge Pro 2.0.1 Build 190
- If you're using Moutain Lion OS version or later, before running SoundForge Pro 2.0.1 Build 190 disable "Gatekeeper" feature.
- Apply patch on "Sound Forge Pro.app" and "Convrt.app"
- 4. Enjoy !
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