Saigon Pho. Although in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, pho is still an attractive dish. Pho is a specialty of the North. It is thought that it only appeared in Saigon in the years 1951-1952. At the same time with two A Dao theaters, one in Monceau and one in Dai Dong. Both of these things are very strange to Saigon old people. Moreover, people just like rice vermicelli, wonton, rice cake…Saigon Pho. Some reputable Pho restaurants in the South maintain the brand for more than 50 years and still very expensive. Saigon has many well-known pho noodle shops, such as Phu Gia Ly Chinh Thang Street, Thin Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Phu Vuong Le Van Sy Street, Dung Street Minh Khai ... However, it is said to the famous Pho restaurants 50 The year cannot be missing 6 names later.

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